The Hungarian Office for Translation and Attestation Ltd. (OFFI) held its 9th Project Conference on 27 April 2023. in a hybrid format. The theme of the conference was “Strategy Making in a Crisis – Crisis Strategy?

OFFI is a founder of the Public Service Division of the Hungarian Project Management Association (PMSZ). The head of the Division is OFFI CEO Dr Gabriella Németh, who awarded certificates of recognition to project managers and project teams for outstanding performance in OFFI’s strategic development projects.

The talks of the 9th Project Conference of OFFI Academy were presented in several sections. In the Working Group Section, OFFI CEO’s project coordination adviser Dr Ákos Kántor and head of OFFI’s IT Department Dr Mária Nagyné Szilvási reported on the successful implementation of OFFI’s project called Translation Preparation Module. Members of the Document Selection Working Group shared interesting experiences about modified and re-designed processes. In the Education Section, reviser Levente Nagy and head of the Translation Project Management Department Emese Hegyi talked about the good practices and future opportunities of machine translation at OFFI.


In the PMSZ Public Service Section, after greeting participants, Róbert Sali, vice president of PMSZ responsible for public service relations introduced the upcoming professional programmes of PMSZ in 2023. He was pleased to see that the activities of the Public Service Section have been of great interest since its foundation.

In the introductory presentation of the Section, Dr Gabriella Németh talked about making OFFI’s earlier institutional development strategies, and then she described how the state translation office is now preparing for the next strategic period (between 2023 and 2026) in the midst of the technological and economic changes currently going on. She also explained why a company being owned by the state creates a special situation.

Qualified mentor István Tisótzki, an expert in startups, SMEs, and company strategy and its implementation, held an interesting presentation about vision-driven operation and fast adapting implementation tools. Then we learnt about strategic thinking in VUCA and BANI environments from trainer Ildikó Simon (Victum Tréning és Tanácsadó Bt. /Victum Training and Management/). The presentation on the relationship between theory of strategy and operational practice was concluded with a game and a question and answer session. 

PMSZ and OFFI have continuously cooperated since the establishment of the Division in 2021. Participants agreed that the Division would continue to focus on a number of exciting topics in the next period that may provide both project managers interested in the area and organisations managing state funds with opportunities for knowledge transfer and exchange of experience.


Speakers at © OFFI Academy 9th Project Conference:
István Tisótzki, Ildikó Simon, Dr Gabriella Németh, Dr Ákos Kántor / Márk Klenk, Zsanett Kanász, Viktória Jokán, Levente Nagy 

2nd of May, 2023

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