Calculations of translations, technical translations (also known as specialized translations) and revised translations as well as revised technical translations are based on the length of your text, i.e. the number of source-language characters including spaces.
Please note that the character count calculated by the word processor and that of the Computer-assisted tool (CAT tool) used in OFFI may slightly differ, with the latter stated in our offer being the base of the calculation.

Thanks to this, you will know the total cost of translation when you place your order, and payment may be made simultaneously, so you will not need to come to our Office a second time.

Net (gross) basic price (HUF/ character) of technical (non-certified) translations used for price calculation

Prices of basic languages (English, German, French)

Fee per character (net)

Fee per character (gross)


HUF 2.88

HUF 3.66

Revised translation

HUF 4.88

HUF 6.2

Revision of client translation

HUF 2.17

HUF 2.76


Factors determining translation rates
  • For prices of other language pairs, please contact our customer service staff using the contact information.

  • The prices in the above table refer to translations from Hungarian into a foreign language and vice versa. The list prices add up in case of translation from a foreign language to another foreign language.
  • In case of daily performance exceeding 40,000 characters, the price shall be defined individually.
  • The basic delivery time is three workdays with a maximum of 20,000 source-language characters per day.
  • The extra charge for one-day delivery is 50% of the basic price.
  • The minimum fee of translation, specialized translation, revised specialized translation is HUF 5,000 + VAT (gross HUF 6,350).
  • If the number of characters cannot be calculated from the original document, the contracting fee shall be defined on the basis of the estimated number of characters or a unit number.
  • In case of languages not using Latin letters, the calculation is based on the characters in Latin letters.
Extra charged due to the quality (type) of the text
  • Difficult specialized text: + 70%
  • Document or handwriting difficult to read: + 25%
  • Editing fee: HUF 250/ page
  • Desktop publishing fee: HUF 1,000/ page
  • Translating transcript: + 100%

Regular customers with large orders are offered a discount.

Special offers

Translation of company register extracts

Translation of company register extracts

Currently, the translation of company register extracts may be ordered at a discounted price in the following language pairs:

From the source languages listed below into Hungarian:

  • English (English-language trade register extract issued in the Netherlands)
  • Romanian
  • Slovak
  • German (German-language company register extract issued in Germany)


From Hungarian to the following target languages:

  • English
  • German 
  • Slovak
  • Romanian
  • Italian
  • Russian
  • Spanish

The preferential basic price for the translation of the above documents is net HUF 2.17 (gross HUF 2.76) per character.

Translations ordered via Client Portal

For more information about our Client Portal, click here.